Reviews TopParken

Reviews of TopParken

More than 27,000+ genuine reviews by our guests

Are you thinking about going on holiday at TopParken? Then you must be curious to know how previous guests experienced and rated their stay with us. When orientating, we advise you to only consult reliable review platforms. This is because there are platforms in circulation with unverified reviews, such as Trustpilot, Zoover and Tripadvisor. Unverified means that it is not certain that someone has actually used the service or the service. Anyone can post a review on these platforms. Read 27,000+ real reviews from our guests below and get inspired.

Thousands of satisfied guests have gone before you! ⤵

Reviews per park

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Verified and unverified reviews

Verified reviews are reviews where we are sure that a reviewer has had an actual service or buying experience with the company or organisation. TopParken sends all guests who have enjoyed a holiday an e-mail with a questionnaire about their experiences and impressions. The reviews are verified because they are guaranteed to have visited a TopParken holiday park. Unverified reviews are reviews by reviewers of which we are not sure whether these people have actually been on holiday at TopParken. This is the case, for example, on open review platforms such as Google, Tripadvisor and Zoover. Anyone can add a review here and no invitation link with a questionnaire is sent after their stay.

Why are verified reviews better?

Verified reviews mean that, in the case of TopParken, people have actually visited a holiday park. One can therefore share an honest and reliable opinion about their stay. Besides TopParken's 27,000++ verified reviews, there are other platforms that only use verified reviews, such as Voordeeluitjes, Belvilla, Expedia and HeerlijkeHuisjes.


  • Advantage trips
  • Belvilla
  • BungalowSpecials
  • VRBO
  • Expedia
  • DeliciousHouses

Fair prices according to Consumers' Association

27,000+ genuine reviews (8.3)

Holiday parks in the heart of nature

Luxury homes (with wellness)

Known from television

Questions from previous TopParken interested parties

Is TopParken reliable?

Yes, TopParken is a reliable holiday provider. The organisation stands for service and quality, which is reflected in the 30,000+ reviews from guests with an average rating of 8.3. In addition, TopParken was named one of the most transparent holiday provider in the Netherlands by the Consumentenbond in 2021.

Why are TopParken reviews considered verified?

A verified review means that it is certain that a reviewer has actually had a service or buying experience with the company or organisation. TopParken sends all guests an e-mail with a questionnaire about their experiences and impressions after their stay. This allows them to share an honest and reliable opinion.