
This is the happiest place in the Netherlands

This is the happiest place in the Netherlands

Where do you go to recharge and feel happy? Why there specifically? Researchers Liesbeth Paardekooper (49) and Marion van Amelrooij (50) asked our readers this and based on 550 replies they compiled a top 10. "People look for an alone-in-the-world feeling. And then get a drink together."

source: Algemeen dagblad (AD)

Parc de IJsselhoeve
Happiness at Recreatiepark Beekbergen

#1. The Veluwe
The true bringer of happiness, that evokes responses like: "Forest, sand, moorland; behind every corner a new unique place appears" and "Where you are together with animals." However, the Wadden islands and the Veluwe are almost tied. That's also not what's important to the two researchers: "A top 10 is fun, but it's more important that we map what kinds of environments make people happy and then use that knowledge to improve the surroundings we live in."

Did you know that TopParken has 6 holiday parks on the Veluwe?

#7. South-Limburg
South-Limburg is also a wonderful (holiday) destination. Apparently many people associate their happiness strongly with the holiday feeling, says van Amelrooij: "It all depends on what definition you give to happiness. The places that were most mentioned in our survey are mostly recharging points; places where you relax and gain new energy. This research shows that many people are looking for an "Alone-in-the-world feeling." The feeling of being alone is hard to find in the Netherlands. "But it is possible," says Paardekooper. "People for example indicate that they visit a place early in the morning or late at night, when no one else is there."

Did you know that Résidence Valkenburg is located in the middle of the hill landscape of South-Limburg? And near Maastricht?

#10. Rotterdam
Rotterdam is the only city to make it into the top 10: the Erasmus bridge, Hotel New York and the Kralingse forest are frequently names. "Of the people who participated in the research, 2 percent think that a large city environment contributes to their feeling of happiness. We found that low percentage striking, we had expected that an environment with lots of things going on would appear more frequently in the top 1. But space (87 percent), silence (76 percent), natural beauty (65 percent) and water (49 percent) score a lot higher."

Did you know that Parc de IJsselhoeve borders Rotterdam?