
Geocaching during your vacation

Geocaching during your vacation

A kind of treasure hunt for children and adults; geocaching has become incredibly popular in recent years. And during your stay at one of our vacation parks, you can also participate in this worldwide game. Go out into nature together and look for geocaches. They are hidden around almost all our vacation parks. Can you find them?

What is geocaching?

Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt based on GPS coordinates. Via these coordinates and your GPS (or smartphone) you can start geocaching. What you are looking for during geocaching is always a mystery, and that is the fun of this beautiful outdoor sport. But of course, you will get some help through things listed in the geocache listing such as the geocache size and geocache attributes. In doing so, some geocache keepers choose to include a hint that can be found in Geocaching secret on the website. Make the search even more enjoyable and go out together with family and friends.


How to get started with geocaching?

After you have created a Geocaching account, you will be able to look up the coordinates of a geocache. These can be found in the geocache listing. Using your Geocaching GPS or app, you can then go to the correct location to look for the geocache.

The Veluwe Resort

Stay at the Veluwe Resort in Garderen and go in search of the very first TopParken geocache. The entire vacation park has a natural look and feel, in line with the beautiful forests of Gelderland in which the vacation park is located. The spacious layout provides privacy, tranquility and relaxation. All this combined with the many park facilities make it the ideal vacation destination for young and old.

Other vacation parks

In addition to the Veluwe Resort, discover our other vacation parks surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Veluwe.